Fundraising for wildlife

My love for animals, nature and the environment has led me to explore wildlife charities with a view of what I can do within my business to support them, so it makes total sense to give back and donate 2.5% of each sale to a wildlife conservation.

I will choose a different organization throughout the year as I simply could not pick just one as there is so many inspiring organizations doing vital work to save animals on the brink of extinction but also their habitats which is so sad.

2.5% of your order total will be donated – so if you purchase a rectangle cushion £1.45 will be raised!

I will make my donations through the ‘work for good platform to comply with fundraising regulations.

All charities are founded in the UK with amazing stories that I can not wait to share with you. I will be starring a new charity every several months and providing you with facts about these amazing charities and inspiring stories of all the good that the people involved are doing to help.

I am fundraising for Sumatran Orangutan Society

photo credit ‘Photo: Sumatran Orangutan Society

So my first charity had to be for the Sumatran orangutans one of my favorite animals, who are critically endangered and without urgent action could be the first Ape to become extinct. I am fundraising for an amazing charity Sumatran Orangutan society who fights to save their forest and their future. The charity supports frontline projects that protect orangutans, deliver hard-hitting campaigns, help protect last standing forests, restore ecosystems and help people living next to orangutan habitats to understand the value of forests and their role in protecting them.  

So far the organization has saved 277 orangutans, 2,292,253 trees planted and over 20,000 local people reached.